Sunday, December 19, 2010

Wednesday, December 15, 2010
We arrived in Whangamata to be greeted with some quality sun shine and began to build base for what was set to be a fun and busy day. Before we could finish setting up there was an array of frothing grommets and onlookers keen to check out what was going on. We set up the gorilla and Banana wheel. Cranked the BBQ and let the fun begin. People came by span the wheel, won a prize and took a sausage or two with them. There was a back flipping gorilla, gorillas on roofs, skating bananas, madness in the streets on the small beach town.
All in all it was a super cool day check the photos

Monday, December 13, 2010
Day 2: Kyuss started day 2 strong with an 8.8 ride and a total score of 16.45 in his Semi final earning him the highest heat score for his division and a spot into the finals.

Thursday, December 2, 2010
This year we decided to have the camp on the mid north coast at a little secret spot called, ummmmmm I forgot the name. Anyway we had three cabins booked for the 14 of us to stay at.
The entourage consisted of Grommets, Juniors, Coaches, Photographers and a Jet Ski driver. The Jet Ski driver couldn’t walk by the end of the trip and resembled Zoidburg from Futurama after spending three 10 hour days in the sun!
Day 1 consisted of everyone getting together, going for a free Surf and talking about the 3 days of drills. The camp consisted of tips on shooting photo’s, learning to tow ( the grommies lost there shit when they found out we bought a Jet Ski) and on the final day having a comp so they can put all they learned at the camp into practise.
On the second day of the camp the team awoke to perfect peaks all up and down the secluded beach break. They were absolutely chomping at the bit to get out there and show there skills. Coach Bemrose didn’t go easy on them and put them through 5 hours of heat and surf drills throughout the morning and by lunch time the Team was absolutely nackered and ready for a well earned rest. After lunch it was time to bring out the Ski and that’s when the grommets started to foam out the mouth and couldn’t wait for their first attempts at launching via the machine!
The third and final day of the camp was an absolute cracker. The grommets knew it was game day and they all had their best contest heads on.
Once all the heats were drawn up the grommets knew it was time to put their newly found skills into practise. Each and every one of them wanted nothing more than to take home the Trophy at the end of the Camp.
Harry Wheeler
As the camp drew to a close, we came down to the finals. In the super grommet division we had a two way count back between Kyuss King and Jordan Lawler. In the end, it was Kyuss that got the nod from the judges and received the inaugural trophy to put on his wall for the year.
In the older division it was Harry Wheeler, the Mick Fanning doppelganger that took the win in flying form.