Thursday, June 17, 2010


Kyuss turned 10 on the 9 of June and for his Birthday his Family and all his mates put on a massive food fight for him in the Park out side his home break in Byron Bay. It was a full tilt food fight..... Cold, spaghetti, baked beans, whole pealed tomatoes, custard, cream pies, flour, etc.Eighteen groms, not allowed to move from your seat and the food fight began and went down a treat....Groms were spewing, crying and then back to laughing... It was like watching crazed animals...
here are some of the shots from the day....
Gromms at the party
the table before the food fight
food fight begins
table after the food fight
Kyass and Friend after the battle had been fought...

Whats his 18th going to be like??????

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


So i just got back from a trip the states. I was lucky enough to spend a week in Cali and a week in NYC. Here are some pics from my travels.
Red Bull were nice enough to hook me up
a hire car. Thanks Fella's
from the airport to Steve Strattons house
for some home made burgers! nice start to the trip
Aussies are all over the states

Fardell has grown the hair out,
and is ripping up America...Again
Jesse did some crazy shit at the spot,
high pressure situation.
Jesse's shoes could handle the pressure
David kill's the G-tar
The Maloof setup
Cody praying for a clean exit

Bastian was back and killed it. one of my
favourites to watch
Dill is rockin a new steeze
Jeremry rogers showed up, claiming he is back.
next to him NYC local and world renowned
Ian Reid, then Terry kennedy
The Gonz!!!

NYC train line
Shredding the streets of NYC

Little limo ride to the Maloof after party
Lizard's nose was not broken by baby skitzo this weekend!

Choi has come into his own recently. i think its his 21st this year?

End it with the winner of the Maloof Cris in the Yellow
beanie getting showered with second place winner Paul.
$140,000.00 between them for a days work isnt bad.